ETIFLEX automatic labeling machine with electropneumatic operation and control, made of stainless steel and plastic material suitable for food contact. Able to label salami, cacciatore, coppa, pancetta, bresaola, pate, vegetarian, vegan and pet food products, using adhesive, or partially adhesive, regular or die-cut labels.
Loading is extremely easy, with less operator effort and consequently higher productivity.
The ETIFLEX labeling machine can be equipped with pigment transfer or inkjet markers, which, in addition to printing clear or bar-coded production batch data, could also print the product name and ingredients, even in the language of the destination country, eliminating label changeover time and with evident organizational and management simplification.
Our proposal also includes the ETIFLEX-W model, which can perform weighing of each product, with printing on the label of the weight and price, always without any overlap with other pre-printed contents. The weighing system is certified.

Touch screen operator panel
The operator panel allows selection of the correct recipe corresponding to the product and label, as well as providing directions for adjusting the machine.

Remote internet connection
All our labeling machines can be equipped with a device for remote Internet connection, either for technical assistance or to change the operating modes.
Machines can be included in the production process for batch management and product traceability. The touch screen operator panel can also provide information, for example, on the type of label to be used and machine adjustments.