Kebab Skewer Machine
SPDE model skewers use straight, circular-section skewers with a single tip, which are loaded without stopping the machine. It is possible to produce skewers with a protruding tip or a tip inside the product.
Length and diameter of the skewers are customizable, as are the dimensions of the molds, which can hold 2, 3 or 4 skewers. Productivity ranges from 3,600 to 7,200 skewers/h.
The molds are easily removable for washing operations and for replacement with different molds.
The machine’s design makes sanitizing activities easy and effective, reducing washing times and still operating in total safety.
The modular structure of the SPDE skewer machine allows implementation as production needs change, even in machines that are already in operation; thus, it is possible to have loading areas 1.5 – 3 – 4.5 and 6 meters long, while still maintaining the precision of positioning the molds in the stick insertion station thanks to the brushless motorization.

Touch screen operator panel
The electrical panel with touch screen has a PLC that allows storage of operating parameters and connection with the company's management program and with our remote technical assistance service.
Skewer Machine
The SPDE-G version can handle “paddle” sticks, which can be loaded in bulk during machine operation. It is possible to make skewers with or without tip protrusion from the product.
It is possible to equip our skewers of the SPDE series with an ordering extraction device for skewers, for their automatic introduction into the trays intended for the final consumer, either by changing the number of skewers from one package to another, or by making a double layer of products.